Monday, February 8, 2010

Having Fun with this blog

Okay I admit it, I'm having fun with this blog. I'm learning more about cooking in the researching for this blog, then I'd get by reading the whole Betty Crocker Cookbook. Which is a DARN good cookbook, by the way. Must add that to my list. Recently I discovered cooking videos. I used to watch a few cooking shows, but as you all know, I have the attention span of a gnat. These little vids of making food, are usually 5 to 10 minutes long, which is perfect for the A.D.D. Grandma type! I just watched Chef Ramsey make perfect scrambled eggs. And they were perfect, although he did burn the toast ( you have to watch it!) In all my years I have never really mastered scrambled eggs. Now I can make the perfect breakfast - with James laptop perched precariously near the stove as I watch the video - haha!

Anyways, I wanted to ask anyone who reads this, wanders across it accidentally, or whatever, please feel free to ask me to post a recipe. You can email it to me or put it in comments or whatever. If you have some tips to share, please do. I'm not a master chef. I'm learning to cook more as time goes on, and being brave trying new things, especially now that I don't have my " Kids Won't Eat This" list to go by! haha! ( I amuse myself so much)

But no worries I will be posting recipes that kids might actually like and some that cook FAST and easy.
Bear with me as I change things around and rearrange and redecorate!

PS: Starla feel free to nab any recipe for the cookbook!

1 comment:

  1. I love Gordon Ramsay!! He's so awesome lol. Loving your blog btw!!!!

    Two words that used to ALWAYS confused me... ~Shallots and Scallions~ Like What the Eff... Fricken restauranteurs and there perfectly confusing "important" sounding THERE them so....

    And nope...restauranteurs apparently isn't a is now :D mwahahhaha
