Friday, January 29, 2010

The Simplest of Simple Barbecue Method

James and I LOVE barbecue. Unfortunately our barbecuer rusted into a twisted heap of metal. ( we considered a funeral for it) and we never got around to buying a new one. And one does want barbecue at all times of the year, not just summer. I started experimenting with oven methods.

Then I decided , while I was at it, I'd try to figure out a healthier way of making tasty barbecue. Because really your typical barbecued whatever has a huge amount of fat aka grease, which turns the arteries of old farts like us, into sludge.

I am still experimenting with making my own sauce, but my results in that area aren't encouraging in that area yet. I finally went back to a cheapy store bought sauce.

Okay so this is how it goes:

Easy Barbecue Pork Chops

Set your oven at 350 degrees

You need:

1 pkg chicken or pork chops
rectangular cake pan or bottom of a broiler
garlic powder
onion powder
various spices you like ( I put Mrs Dash)

Place meat in pan. ( you might one to consider a layer on tinfoil to ease later clean up)
Pour about 1/2 cup of water around the meat but NOT on it
Pop meat, uncovered into 350 degree oven.
Let meat roast for at least 20 minutes.
Check to make sure the water hasn't all evaporated. If it has , add a bit more
Flip each piece.
Now sprinkle your spices onto the meat ( the reason you don't add them right away is that salt and some other spices can actually make your meat tough if you put it on the meat when its raw/cold)
Put your pan of meat back in the oven, still uncovered for another 20 minutes.
Check meat again. Flip it over, sprinkle more spices. Add a bit of water if the water has all dried up. (But don't overdo the water, you want baked chopped, not boiled chops) After this, no more adding of water, unless the bottom of the pan seems to be burning.

If your meat is done , now is the time to brush on a liberal layer of barbecue sauce.
Put meat back in oven .
Yes let it cook for another 20 minutes.
Take pan of meat out, flip each piece and put a liberal layer of barbecue sauce, return to oven.
Bake for ( you guessed it) 20 minutes.

At this point your meat should be tender and tasty. I usually add a bit more bbq sauce to the top and broil for a few minutes. If you choose to do this , stay in the kitchen and WATCH the meat. Do not wander off to watch tv for a minute or go potty. You'd hate to have your hard work ruined by grilling it into black smoldering heap of coal. ( trust me I have much experience on this)


You can cook barbecued chicken or ribs this way too. I always have precooked my chicken before tossing on the outside barby because I do HATE biting into a piece of chicken and tasting blood ( ew!) and I have a fear of food poisoning.

Any input, ideas and tips would be appreciated!!


  1. Hey there to my friend the "Not So Galloping Gourmet" Hello and Hiddey Ho to you! Nice Recipes. Thanks for stopping by ~~The barbecue dish is something to HOWL about hehe! and Yes cougars are a scary screming thing to hear Make those hairs on the back of ones' neck stand on end. Have a great day kiddo miss you Roxanne

  2. Hey somehow I missed the comment about the hill and the hillbilly HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~
